With children settling into school and the temperatures starting to dip, I want to dedicate this month’s op-ed to one of the most joyous times of the year.

October is the start of the harvest season, where traditionally everyone congregates to give thanks for a bountiful harvest.

Thanksgiving reminds us that we have so much to be thankful for in our lives: Our friends, our families, and our community. This is a unique holiday that involves getting together with the whole family, and I’m forever grateful for this.

Ekhart Tolle once said, “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” For me, Thanksgiving season has become a time for reflection to look at how others helped me in my journey, and what I can do to express my gratitude.

For the last couple of decades or so, my wife and I gather our close friends to celebrate this festival and give thanks for this beautiful country that we live in.

All over the world, people celebrate thanksgiving in many different ways. Pongal, in India; Sukkot, in Israel; and Erntedankfest in Germany, as examples.

I encourage everyone reading this to spend this holiday season to give thanks for everything that is good in our lives: The love we have, the family we make, the friendships we cultivate, the education we strive for, and the peace we seek.

I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and love. As the weather outside gets colder, let’s make our hearts warm with affection and compassion for the community we live in.