MPP Anand’s third Members’ Statement was on the topic of “TryEngineering”, delivered on 24 September 2018.
See full transcript below:
“Sometimes if a child can’t learn the way we teach,” counselled Ignacio Estrada, “maybe we should teach the way they learn.” Mr. Speaker, I would like to acknowledge members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers—Olivier Trescases, chairman of the Toronto section; Satish Saini, chairman, education committee; Nina; and Kate—who are doing just that in the GTA.
With a mission to bridge the gap between engineering education and practical workplaces, IEEE is working towards making meaningful advancements by integrating classroom studies with ongoing research and workplace practices for the best interest of the engineering community and the society as a whole.
TryEngineering is a unique program with a goal to raise interest in engineering careers, improve access to high-quality educational resources and show students how engineering can be part of their lives.
IEEE is the world’s largest not-for-profit technical professional organization, with 400,000 members in 160 countries. It truly has a global presence.
I’m thankful to IEEE for selecting Mississauga–Malton as a pilot area to implement this new and innovative program. As the MPP for Mississauga–Malton, I’d like to welcome and applaud the efforts of IEEE. Thank you, IEEE.”